Release Process Instructions

This document is meant as a guide on how to perform and publish a new release version of ethstaker-deposit-cli. It includes step by step instructions to complete the release process.

  1. Make sure all the tests from the latest ci-runner workflow on the latest commit of the main branch are completed. Make sure all tests are passing on all the supported platforms.
  2. Determine a new version number. Version numbers should adhere to Semantic Versioning. For any official release, it should include a major, a minor and a patch identifier like 1.0.0.
  3. Update ethstaker_deposit/'s __version__ variable with the new version number. Commit this change to the main branch of the main repository.
  4. Add a tag to the main repository for this changed version commit above. The name of this tag should be a string starting with v concatenated with the version number. With git, the main repository cloned and the commit above being the head, it can look like this:
git tag -a -m 'Version 1.0.0' v1.0.0
git push origin v1.0.0
  1. Wait for all the build assets and the draft release to be created by the ci-build workflow.
  2. Open the draft release and fill in the different sections correctly.
  3. If this is not a production release, check the Set as a pre-release checkbox.
  4. Click the Publish release button.
  5. Determine a new dev version number. You can try to guess the next version number to the best of your ability. This will always be subject to change. Add a dev identifier to the version number to clearly indicate this is a dev version number.
  6. Update ethstaker_deposit/'s __version__ variable with a new dev version number. Commit this change to the main branch.

Release Notes Template

You can find the latest release notes template on .